Friday, July 2, 2010

Blogging Experience

Hello everyone,

This will be my last post of the semester, and as a final review i'll talk you about the blogging experience.

First of all, i have to say that this isn't my first time on blogs, i used to wrote on one very long time ago, but in spanish, and occasionally i wrote on other blog, but it wasn't mine.

So, if you ask me if i like the experience, i will say yes, because i like writing. actually a lot and i like english, i thik that is a very useful language, and writing is a very enjoyable exercise to improve my english (I think that it gave me more fluency). I believe that english is more practical than spanish (maybe the reason is that i don't know very well the language and that's what i find it more easy to express than spanish).

Related to that, i think that mi english have improved, maybe it's no pretty clear to note it, but i'm more quick to write than i were before, and my vocabulary has enlarged, because my previous english came from my english classes, TV, movies and music, so i didn't write a lot as to made an improvement on my written expression. Here i had an oportunity to wrote from many subjects wich gave me more confidence to experiment on english and without pressure from teacher, so i'm very relaxed when i wrote, and that relax made the session very fruitful and entertaining. I think that those things are advantages when you learn
something hard like english (many people think that english is hard to learn but with the adequate means it gets more easier).

About the disadvantages, now i don't have any regret or i can't find any, i like blogging and maybe because of that i don't think that have some disadvantages...

So, now it's time to say good night, good nigh...
I say that because my very first post was about a Beatles's song and Good night it's another song of themm from the White Album.

Good bye folks.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rate It

Hi everyone,

Today, i'm going to talk you about Lucy Quezada's blog "Lucy in the Sky" i have to warn you that she's not in drugs, the title refers to the beatles's song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Lucy has eight post of many subjects, i like the colour of her posts because she changed them every different post, but about her template i think that is very usual, she should reflect about it (maybe i'm being a little bit overreacted about a class blog, but there are so many cute templater that is kind of weird that Lucy haven't changed her own).
About her post, i have to say that i like the number four, because she talk about a web site very interesting, that i didn't know and is relative to our career, specifically the Art Criticism, since that, i've seen it usually, not tu much, but i do it once a week.

About her english mmmm... i can say that she have to improve his knowledge about conjugation, because her level is good, she can understand something without big problems, and she must be more brave in order to be more confident about her actual english level, that i said again, it's no bad at all.

As to end, i'd like to advise Lucy that she have to be more daring in her texts, she have to dare to make mistakes.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Hi everyone...

Today i'm going to told you about a picture that i like, a photo from mi facebook.

This picture was took last year by a friend of mine (we were in the last days of semester), we cut Marx's face from a poster of a symposium in Philosophy (the faculty) about his thinking, after we cut it again to made a mask and then, we took many photos with this mask into the university, in diferent places.

In the photo we see a wall that has been scrachted by some people, maybe the "capuchas" from philosophy made it, i don't know but i'm sure that was someone from the university.

I chose this picture because when i saw it for the first time i laughed a lot, i found it very ironical, i mean, Marx next to a wall that says "Fire to the Capital!" is very funny, i'm not quite sure if everyone could say that is funny because sometimes people get fanatical and think that this is a kind of a bad joke, a joke to Marx himself (here, in this university people is very sensitive about Marx).

As well this, i have other pictures with this mask and they're very funny, i appear with other Marx. As title we called "Carloco doing..." (in every photo).

So, I’ve talked too much, see you in the next post guys, I wish you’ve enjoyed the photo. In other opportunity I will show you the other pictures, eventually I’ll do it…

Friday, June 4, 2010

Canonical Education

Today my dear readers, i'm going to speak about Education, particulary about a video where
Sir Ken Robinson told us that schools kills creativity, or at least mined it.
When i saw for the first time this video, i felt that this man could have the answer to our educational sistems, all over the world, nos just Chile, or England, all of them, why?
Because I felt so understood about how I felt around the waste of creativity that we see today in our schools, i saw many times how teachers disapprove students called them "sicks kids" or trouble-makers, when kids doesn't wanted to do some activities that bored them, now i see how much damage they do them...
In my particular case, mathematics were not my business, but for other subjects i had so many habilities that were just wasted, when i was a kind i won some artistic contests that came out of my school or inside of it, but, with time, those skills were ignored because importants subjects were related to mathematics, not arts or literature. Because of my "luck" i've pass mathematics subjects and concern was not important, but the important thing here is that there are so many people talented for "irregular" activities that just lost his skills because they have to focus on subjects that are apparently "hard" for them, but actually are boring and futile for what they think that can do in the future, and eventually they forget "what are they good for".
I think that this problem is serius, we don't see the implications of continuing with our currents educantional sistems, and don't understand the concept of "INTELLIGENCE" in his large meaning, we just see what is more easy to gain.
Now, I left you the video, i forgot it but other blog remind me to do that (i told you about a video, but i didn't refer to it, my bad).

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hello everyone,

If you asked me about my favourite piece of technology, i said that is the Computer, but with Internet, because without it, i think that now, is just useless...

Now, if you don't have internet are disconected from the others and the different news that appear there and other stuffs like that (i mean virtual and real-time connection, information that you can get instantly). Now, i couldn't imagine my life without a pc, i couldn't do my works, i couldn't check my mails, my facebook, etc. So, computer had began a multi-porpouse machine, we don't use it just like an educative tool, we use it as an entertaiment and informative tool, everiday we have new functions in it that make our life a little bit more fast and light (just think how hard was life when people couldn't send a letter in a fast way or when you had to do your works with a typewritter or hand-made it has to be awful).

I remember when i had my first computer, the year is confused, but i remember that it had a mario bros. game inside and it was cool, i didn't though about computer as an educative tool, for me was just something where a could play. Now my mind had changed a little bit, i'm still thinking about computer as an entertaiment tool but now i discovered other uses.

As you can see, my interest on computer is just because of the conectivity tools that this gave us, i think that in current society we can't get by trough it forgetting or ignoring this tools, if you don't like it, is your opinion, but you just HAVE to use it, because if not, you're isolated from the others who accepted this tools, i don't know if i'm enough clear about that, but if i'm not, i could say it in other way: If you don't like technology, you can complain about how complex is current life, but soon or later, you will see yourself needed to use this because of any reason, maybe an unexpected fact or a job that requires constant contact with some other person far away from you, etc. Technology made us life more easy, or at least that's what it was developed.

Maybe, my today post were a little bit dispersed but that happened me all time.

Good Bye everyone.

Best Regards

Friday, May 14, 2010


Today my dear friends i will talk about a place in Chile that i like (strange thing because almost the whole time y hate Chile and everything related to it).

I went to this place on 2008 (summer) with mi sister, mi brother-in-law, my nephew and my nephew in progress (mi sister was pregnant at that time). There, I eat a lot, because the food was so good that was impossible not to eat everything that offered us (fish, empanadas, french fries and stuffs), and we travel around because is very close to other interesting places, this beach was on the south, so the weather was a bit cold and there was not so much sand around, there was forests everywhere, so, the sector was very interesting.

Plus, the beach was near to the Colchagua Valley, were had a very huge production of wines, mi brother-in-law drinks a lot of good wine and even he bought some to take to Santiago, because it was very cheap by comparison to prices here.

About the beach itself i can't say much good things, because i'm very cold-sensitive so the cold water hurts me a lot (i can sound like a wuss, but i'm not, i'm just very sensitive to cold) so i didn't went to swim almost never (i tried the first day we went to the beach but i couldn't) and just put my feets on the water to play with my nephew, just that.

I liked that place because was very paceful, people was very kind and when there was not so many people in the streets (because of the closeness on weekend many people were to the beacj but on Monday everyone leaves) the town looks like an old-town, so quiet that made me relax.
Finally i left you some pictures from Pichilemu.
This is a picture from the beach.
This is de Casino Ross, were there are currently a cultural center.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Art Renewal Center

Hi everyone,

Today i'm going to write about a web site that i really like and is related with my career, this web site calls "Art Renewal Center" and it is a source of information about realistic occidental art, or more than that, it's an initiative that support the development of realistic art on the current days.

As you could imagine, the current art isn't realistic or figurative, or it doesn't try to be that way (to please everyone who could differ with what i said), so this web site promote the kind of artists who likes the old way to work and critics who likes too. For me, an attitude like that is a little conservative and old-fashioned, I preffer to be more open-minded with current expressions, but i'm feel a bit of conservative (well, that's another point).

I knew the web site when i was clasifying images about nineteenth century (Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Impressionism and other styles), i liked it because it was a source of images so large and good-quatilty like i never seen before. It had Hi-Fi resolution reproductions about David (my favourite), Ingres, Gros, etc and later, when i was looking arround the site i saw that it has critical articles about art, contests about realistic painting and sculpture, and -the most impresive - a scolarship for the contestants; i found that very important, because the intiative could be futile if they not support (i mean really support) those artist (who are in a enviroment that doesn't support the old-fashioned style and their speech against the abstract art and other medias).

So, with all that number of reproductions i've visit it (the web site) usually, when i want to see some pictures to learn more about different artists, just click here and enjoy the art.

I've write enough so, i leave you guys.

See you later.