Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rate It

Hi everyone,

Today, i'm going to talk you about Lucy Quezada's blog "Lucy in the Sky" i have to warn you that she's not in drugs, the title refers to the beatles's song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Lucy has eight post of many subjects, i like the colour of her posts because she changed them every different post, but about her template i think that is very usual, she should reflect about it (maybe i'm being a little bit overreacted about a class blog, but there are so many cute templater that is kind of weird that Lucy haven't changed her own).
About her post, i have to say that i like the number four, because she talk about a web site very interesting, that i didn't know and is relative to our career, specifically the Art Criticism, since that, i've seen it usually, not tu much, but i do it once a week.

About her english mmmm... i can say that she have to improve his knowledge about conjugation, because her level is good, she can understand something without big problems, and she must be more brave in order to be more confident about her actual english level, that i said again, it's no bad at all.

As to end, i'd like to advise Lucy that she have to be more daring in her texts, she have to dare to make mistakes.


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