Friday, July 2, 2010

Blogging Experience

Hello everyone,

This will be my last post of the semester, and as a final review i'll talk you about the blogging experience.

First of all, i have to say that this isn't my first time on blogs, i used to wrote on one very long time ago, but in spanish, and occasionally i wrote on other blog, but it wasn't mine.

So, if you ask me if i like the experience, i will say yes, because i like writing. actually a lot and i like english, i thik that is a very useful language, and writing is a very enjoyable exercise to improve my english (I think that it gave me more fluency). I believe that english is more practical than spanish (maybe the reason is that i don't know very well the language and that's what i find it more easy to express than spanish).

Related to that, i think that mi english have improved, maybe it's no pretty clear to note it, but i'm more quick to write than i were before, and my vocabulary has enlarged, because my previous english came from my english classes, TV, movies and music, so i didn't write a lot as to made an improvement on my written expression. Here i had an oportunity to wrote from many subjects wich gave me more confidence to experiment on english and without pressure from teacher, so i'm very relaxed when i wrote, and that relax made the session very fruitful and entertaining. I think that those things are advantages when you learn
something hard like english (many people think that english is hard to learn but with the adequate means it gets more easier).

About the disadvantages, now i don't have any regret or i can't find any, i like blogging and maybe because of that i don't think that have some disadvantages...

So, now it's time to say good night, good nigh...
I say that because my very first post was about a Beatles's song and Good night it's another song of themm from the White Album.

Good bye folks.


  1. the last post :(
    I enjoy when i read your post, i remember when you put the photo of diego-marx.
    folks ... it's a new word for me :)

    "good bye" my dear diego

  2. no carooo, it wont be the last post ;)
    we will see in the next level =D
    so we have another semester to learn and chat in the lab :B

    Take care dear diego
