Friday, May 28, 2010


Hello everyone,

If you asked me about my favourite piece of technology, i said that is the Computer, but with Internet, because without it, i think that now, is just useless...

Now, if you don't have internet are disconected from the others and the different news that appear there and other stuffs like that (i mean virtual and real-time connection, information that you can get instantly). Now, i couldn't imagine my life without a pc, i couldn't do my works, i couldn't check my mails, my facebook, etc. So, computer had began a multi-porpouse machine, we don't use it just like an educative tool, we use it as an entertaiment and informative tool, everiday we have new functions in it that make our life a little bit more fast and light (just think how hard was life when people couldn't send a letter in a fast way or when you had to do your works with a typewritter or hand-made it has to be awful).

I remember when i had my first computer, the year is confused, but i remember that it had a mario bros. game inside and it was cool, i didn't though about computer as an educative tool, for me was just something where a could play. Now my mind had changed a little bit, i'm still thinking about computer as an entertaiment tool but now i discovered other uses.

As you can see, my interest on computer is just because of the conectivity tools that this gave us, i think that in current society we can't get by trough it forgetting or ignoring this tools, if you don't like it, is your opinion, but you just HAVE to use it, because if not, you're isolated from the others who accepted this tools, i don't know if i'm enough clear about that, but if i'm not, i could say it in other way: If you don't like technology, you can complain about how complex is current life, but soon or later, you will see yourself needed to use this because of any reason, maybe an unexpected fact or a job that requires constant contact with some other person far away from you, etc. Technology made us life more easy, or at least that's what it was developed.

Maybe, my today post were a little bit dispersed but that happened me all time.

Good Bye everyone.

Best Regards


  1. Hello,

    Is true that the double one between the computer and the internet, without them we can't extract the whole profit.

  2. Claudia: you mistake. We can extract whole profit from internet.
    Diego: I don´t imagine without computer also.

  3. About your disperses and few clear ideas:I think that too. When I was younger (more younger) I said: "I don't like the technology", but then I see me obliged to used the technology: I bought a cell phone, a notebook and I have an electronic mail and a blogger. All in the university is technology, Now we have U-CURSOS......

  4. Internet and computer were very useful, but sometimes were bored… I think.

  5. with the internet you can do many things! since play to learn ... but before you can do that too ... not so quickly but was posible.

    (I remember when the internet was coneccted through the telephone cable)

    see you my dear Diego

  6. Wee Diego, Maybe the whole post should have been about connectivity and connective knowledge...
