Friday, June 4, 2010

Canonical Education

Today my dear readers, i'm going to speak about Education, particulary about a video where
Sir Ken Robinson told us that schools kills creativity, or at least mined it.
When i saw for the first time this video, i felt that this man could have the answer to our educational sistems, all over the world, nos just Chile, or England, all of them, why?
Because I felt so understood about how I felt around the waste of creativity that we see today in our schools, i saw many times how teachers disapprove students called them "sicks kids" or trouble-makers, when kids doesn't wanted to do some activities that bored them, now i see how much damage they do them...
In my particular case, mathematics were not my business, but for other subjects i had so many habilities that were just wasted, when i was a kind i won some artistic contests that came out of my school or inside of it, but, with time, those skills were ignored because importants subjects were related to mathematics, not arts or literature. Because of my "luck" i've pass mathematics subjects and concern was not important, but the important thing here is that there are so many people talented for "irregular" activities that just lost his skills because they have to focus on subjects that are apparently "hard" for them, but actually are boring and futile for what they think that can do in the future, and eventually they forget "what are they good for".
I think that this problem is serius, we don't see the implications of continuing with our currents educantional sistems, and don't understand the concept of "INTELLIGENCE" in his large meaning, we just see what is more easy to gain.
Now, I left you the video, i forgot it but other blog remind me to do that (i told you about a video, but i didn't refer to it, my bad).


  1. Diego. i`m sorry for you particular case! my case was whit languages because i fell that i don't learn too much :( ... in ortography and literature ...

    but the mathematics is interesting too (L)

    visit the site and see other videos!

    bye my dear and adorable Diego!

  2. I had the same troubles with mathematics. But I don't care about them anymore studying art!

  3. I think the art is a fundamental in the education reforms, the people need to express their feeling...

