Friday, April 9, 2010

Mi actual first post

Well i have to write a little text for mi subject: English III. The main idea is to write about my expectations about this semester.

First of all, i'm going to introduce myself in a very short way, I'm study Art Theory and History at the University of Chile (in Art Faculty) and i'm coursing the third semester out of eight. I'm 19 years old and i'm from Santiago, more precisely in Puente Alto (a very far town from the main city).

So, mi expectations for this semester are pass all subjects whit good results, but more particuraly i want to satisfy all my interests related to Art History (learn a lot from authors that i like the most). If you ask me for this particular subject i want to improve my english level in the areas that i fail (irregular verbs are so difficult, i can't imagine how englisg speakers learn them so quickly!).

Well, i think that i finished my short text, see you next time.


  1. Pretty on the ball with blogging. I like that. Videos already. Gooood.
    See you in class. I bet you can learn irregular verbs quickly with the tests I'll give you.

  2. Diego,

    you don't have our teacher. The email is bad!!
