Friday, April 30, 2010

Hi everyone,
Today, i'm goint to write about something that i -obviously- like, Arts.

I received the commission to write about my favourite artist, first of all i have to say that i've realized that mi knowledge about arts are virtualy nil, but i know my favourite artist from a time before i realized what i told you before.
His name is Jacques Louis David, he's a neoclassical french painter, some people called him "Napoleonic" because of his portraits of the Emperor and stuffs related to him. He head the Academy in France for a long time, even when Napoleon was overthroned and the Borbons were again in the power and he was in exile, his influence rule the french paint for years, and later, with romanticism his influence diminished because of the anti-academicist spirit that new artists had. In spite of the widespread opinion that David is kind of boring i like him very much.
As i said before, he was a neoclassical painter, so he lived the French Revolution and he was part of it, he was an exceptional activist of Jacobinst and put his work at the service of revolution, he painted the most famous paintings from that time and that's how i know him, in history books, he consider himself as a "History Painter", if you ask me, that's the most interesting part of him, his Commitment with his ideas, and how he captured that in his paintings.

So, finally i will talk you about mi favourite david's piece of work.
The Death of Marat (1793)
In this painting we see a portrait of Marat, a revolutionary who accuse the counter-revolutionary in his newspaper and was murdered by a girondist (a moderate group that participate in the french revolution), David was his friend (a very close friend, he admired him) and received the commision of paint his death portrait. He made a master piece, he represented a Hero and a Martyr, he mixed the christian and classic tradition into Marat. Here is visible the commitment that i spoke before, he felt that a man like Marat deserve a glorious end and he paid the right homage for him.

Maybe i wrote too much, so i will end this now, i like David too much so i didn't realized about the numer of words, i say good bye.

See you later.


  1. he change the hisotry of Marat whit this painting . can you talk about Marat whitout remember this?
    and thanks Caravaggio for give him something the inspiration!

    bye my dear Diego!

  2. In some books about History (for basic education) This painting appear wihtout one part! For save space cutting above of the portrait.
    It was madness.
